Wonderful Waterfall

Wonderful Waterfall

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Life Changes

In the last few weeks since I've been able to post our family has had many changes. Most notable of which is that my brother had an accident and is now paralyzed. I don't care to go into too many details on here, but it is important for me to mention. Due to the accident we took a trip up north. The car ride was 6.5 hrs one way. We did divide the trip into two days on the way there, but it turned into an 8 hr car ride on the way home. This was hard on my little girl, who is now 6 months old. Every moment was worth it to see my brother though.

As I mentioned earlier, Shaley is now 6 months as of February 2nd! She is becoming more of a handful everyday. I can't hold her without her squirming everywhere. she has not learned to crawl quite yet but I'm sure she will be there in no time. She has also cut one tooth! She's getting cuter by the minute. She is also sitting up unsupported for increasing amounts of time. At her 6 month check up she was 15.4 lbs and 25 3/4 inches long.

We have now started her on solids, which is a whole new adventure. We have tried carrots, rice cereal, peas, banana, and pears. The carrots have been the most notable as they changed her stool to more of a solid consistency. That may be too much information but it piques my curiosity. This change also reminds me to buy a diaper sprayer!

I can't wait for my new BumGenius Freetime to come in the mail. I have lots of Flips but no BumGenius. I will be sure and write a review when it arrives!