Wonderful Waterfall

Wonderful Waterfall

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Being a mom keeps me busy!

Shaley has got past the sleep regression (I hope!). It lasted maybe a week or two, and I'm thankful that she's sleeping well again, although not as well as she was before. Perhaps now I can work on getting her sleeping through the night. Our new routine is to wake up at 11, 2, and 5. This is similar to before but with the added 11pm time. I'm hoping it won't be hard to take out as it's only 2-3 hours after her last feeding before bed. Of course that is easier said than done. She refuses to take a pacifier from me, but will with little resistant from anyone else. She's quite a doll, but she can be a booger too.

Lately I've been kept busy by Shaley, who seems to be getting more clingy. She is getting more irritated when I'm not around and when her father is watching her. The eight hours a day I used to work felt so long, as did the early days when I was at home. Now the time flies by even though we've done little to nothing during the day. Since it is the Christmas season, Shaley and I have been making cookies at home! I've been making some every day this week and I will surprise the family with them in their stockings on Christmas morning. Of course I've also ate my fair share before putting them in the freezer!

Since I've still not started my new (very part time) job money is always tight and I've taken to couponed and homemade gifts for almost every gift that we will be giving. My dear husband likes to spend a dollar amount per person, but as I would like to see it, it is the thought that counts. I love the fact that me being money savvy has allowed us to buy presents for our children this year. It's almost a welcome change that our budget is so small because it has challenged me to be more resourceful than I ever would have before. We no longer fight over finances and I get to see my child grow more each day.

On a side note, I do believe she's growing hair and will not be bald/balding like her parents!

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