Wonderful Waterfall

Wonderful Waterfall

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Failed Attempt at Candy *Updated*

I tried to make honey candy the other day. Let me just say it was a complete disaster. I'm only glad the only harm done was loosing a piece of wax paper. I felt like we may loose a pan or two from the incident also, but they cleaned up nicely. I guess we learn from our mistakes and I may attempt at making some again today, wish me luck! The recipe I followed was not the greatest but I'll include it below so you do not make the mistake I did!

2 C sugar
1/2 C water
1/2 C honey
1/4 C butter

The directions for this recipe are very vague. They state that you should cook in a heavy pan over heat till it reaches a "hard crack" stage. First, the recipe does not tell you what the "hard crack" stage is. I was still fairly confident on what this meant though, because growing up around my mother meant lots f different recipes and cooking techniques. Secondly, they do not tell you wether or not to add the butter to the pan, or just to the baking pan you add the mixture to later. So I decided to just add the butter to the baking pan and not to the honey mixture. I'm still not sure if that was my downfall or not. The problem I ran into was with it sticking to the baking pan and still being too hot to handle. I found this recipe on cooks.com if anyone is interested.

As I have a surplus of honey at my home (due to my parents owning bees) I may try this again with a few changes. I'm going to try to dump the honey into the buttered baking pan and letting it sit till cool and just breaking it into chunks. The other option would be to get candy molds which I don't have the finances or the location to buy them at. Perhaps at a later time.

My ultimate goal is to make this with rosemary into a Honey Rosemary candy to sell. Don't steal my idea, it's not nice! Wish me luck!

* I made this recipe again and it turned out pretty good! With some tweaking it will make a great candy!

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